ISOHA 5 Season/Element Oil Blends
ISoha-5-Season/Element-oil-blends: Assess and Balance your Health and Life according to the blend you like Most and Least.
International School of Healing Arts under the guidance of Seymour Koblin has created 5 /Season/Movement/Element essential oil blends. We call them
iSOHA 5-element essential oils. The blend you have an aversion to indicates which reactive behavior you have experienced too much of in your life: 1) Detachment, 2) Frustration 3) Chaos 4) Victim 5) Guilt. The blend you like most indicates which behavior you desire most 1) Life Purpose 2) Playfulness/Freedom 3) Passion 4) Deep Bonding 5) Self/Soul Evolution.
WEARING the Least Favorite blend on your back and Most Favorite on the front educates one to walk the path of her/his unique life balance- Using the past to move forward toward our deepest life outcome.
All the blends are connected to the organ systems of the Chinese 5 movement/season/elements. 1) Kidney Bladder/Reproductive 2) Liver/Gallbladder 3) Heart/Small Intestine, Pericardium/Triple Warmer, 4) Spleen -Pancreas/ Stomach, 5) Lungs/ Large IntestineAncient health systems including Ayurveda assert that the sound of the breath is represented by the syllables:: SO (inhale) and HA (exhale). Listen to your breath. Do you hear the similarity between these syllables with your inhale and exhale?
iSchool Of Healing Arts incorporates the life-essential nutrient of the breath into our name and slogan “inspiring”/’ (inhaling ) the path of health” and into our aromatherapy classes, products, and services
The 5 Movements represent the life-essential dynamics of the 5 seasons that are uniquely embodied by each of us.
For example, the flowing, hibernation quality of winter (seasonal-12 month cycle), and sleep ( daily 24-hour cycle) are essential for us to maintain health in our waking life. A distortion of this flowing, water-like movement starts with or leads to sleep challenges and the ability to flow with the challenges of daily living.
Instead of being adaptable, a person who is craving harmony within this movement will seem detached and back/flow away from conflict. Reproductive, urinary, kidney, blood, and bone diseases are also common.
Included is Seymour’s guide to SOHA Essential oils. which explains how to assess which blends are best for you and how to use them effectively. The handbook explains both intuitive and Traditional Chinese medicine theoretical methods for health assessment and essential oil applications. Each person’s Constitution and Condition as well as 5 elements of behavioral type is considered when deciding when and how to use the soha-5-element-oil-blends.
iSOHA 5 Element Essential Oil Blends
TEST- yourself or others Method 1- by sensing which blend you like LEAST and BEST. These represent your respective “FULL” and “EMPTY”. We use the FULL to NOURISH the EMPTY. The Full is worn on the back of the neck (we walk away from or put our past behind us) and use this energy source to fulfill the EMPTY- the blend we like most as we walk towards it -placed on the front of our body (Neck and/or wrists. This approach turns the reactive behavior of the full into the fulfillment of our desires (the Empty).
EXAMPLE: Dislike Spring and Love Autumn: .the reactive behavior of frustration which we have had enough of (FULL) will be used to fulfill Autumn(EMPTY). Wearing these two oils will use the power of Frustration, (FULL SPRING) worn on the back of the neck and turn it into Nurturing, safety, and close connection (AUTUMN EMPTY) worn on the front (neck and wrists).
As our extreme patterns become more balanced, we may differ our Full and Empty based on different, days, moods, seasons, and any number of relationship dynamics with Vital Health being the common denominator basis for wearing the 5 element iSOHA blends.
iSOHA blends utilize the Energetics of Nature based on the 5 seasons of CHINESE MEDICINE For information on general basics of Essential oils see
Amy Jones at OSHADHI
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ISoha-5-Season/Element-oil-blends: Assess and Balance your Health and Life according to the blend you like Most and Least.
International School of Healing Arts under the guidance of Seymour Koblin has created 5 /Season/Movement/Element essential oil blends. We call them
iSOHA 5-element essential oils. The blend you have an aversion to indicates which reactive behavior you have experienced too much of in your life: 1) Detachment, 2) Frustration 3) Chaos 4) Victim 5) Guilt. The blend you like most indicates which behavior you desire most 1) Life Purpose 2) Playfulness/Freedom 3) Passion 4) Deep Bonding 5) Self/Soul Evolution.
WEARING the Least Favorite blend on your back and Most Favorite on the front educates one to walk the path of her/his unique life balance- Using the past to move forward toward our deepest life outcome.
All the blends are connected to the organ systems of the Chinese 5 movement/season/elements. 1) Kidney Bladder/Reproductive 2) Liver/Gallbladder 3) Heart/Small Intestine, Pericardium/Triple Warmer, 4) Spleen -Pancreas/ Stomach, 5) Lungs/ Large IntestineAncient health systems including Ayurveda assert that the sound of the breath is represented by the syllables:: SO (inhale) and HA (exhale). Listen to your breath. Do you hear the similarity between these syllables with your inhale and exhale?
iSchool Of Healing Arts incorporates the life-essential nutrient of the breath into our name and slogan "inspiring"/' (inhaling ) the path of health" and into our aromatherapy classes, products, and services
The 5 Movements represent the life-essential dynamics of the 5 seasons that are uniquely embodied by each of us.
For example, the flowing, hibernation quality of winter (seasonal-12 month cycle), and sleep ( daily 24-hour cycle) are essential for us to maintain health in our waking life. A distortion of this flowing, water-like movement starts with or leads to sleep challenges and the ability to flow with the challenges of daily living.
Instead of being adaptable, a person who is craving harmony within this movement will seem detached and back/flow away from conflict. Reproductive, urinary, kidney, blood, and bone diseases are also common.
Included is Seymour's guide to SOHA Essential oils. which explains how to assess which blends are best for you and how to use them effectively. The handbook explains both intuitive and Traditional Chinese medicine theoretical methods for health assessment and essential oil applications. Each person's Constitution and Condition as well as 5 elements of behavioral type is considered when deciding when and how to use the soha-5-element-oil-blends.
iSOHA 5 Element Essential Oil Blends
TEST- yourself or others Method 1- by sensing which blend you like LEAST and BEST. These represent your respective "FULL" and "EMPTY". We use the FULL to NOURISH the EMPTY. The Full is worn on the back of the neck (we walk away from or put our past behind us) and use this energy source to fulfill the EMPTY- the blend we like most as we walk towards it -placed on the front of our body (Neck and/or wrists. This approach turns the reactive behavior of the full into the fulfillment of our desires (the Empty).
EXAMPLE: Dislike Spring and Love Autumn: .the reactive behavior of frustration which we have had enough of (FULL) will be used to fulfill Autumn(EMPTY). Wearing these two oils will use the power of Frustration, (FULL SPRING) worn on the back of the neck and turn it into Nurturing, safety, and close connection (AUTUMN EMPTY) worn on the front (neck and wrists).
As our extreme patterns become more balanced, we may differ our Full and Empty based on different, days, moods, seasons, and any number of relationship dynamics with Vital Health being the common denominator basis for wearing the 5 element iSOHA blends.
iSOHA blends utilize the Energetics of Nature based on the 5 seasons of CHINESE MEDICINE For information on general basics of Essential oils see
Amy Jones at OSHADHI
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Amount | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |