The physical phenomena arising from the behavior of electrons and protons that is caused by the attraction of particles with opposite charges and the repulsion of particles with the same charge.
Transformer-A device used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another, especially a pair of multiply wound, inductively coupled wire coils that effect such a transfer with a change in voltage, current, phase, or other electric characteristic.
Conductor– A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an electric charge.
Filament– A high-resistance wire or ribbon forming the cathode in some thermionic tubes
Cathode– The positively charged terminal of a primary cell or a storage battery that is supplying current
Anode– The negatively charged terminal of a primary cell or of a storage battery that is supplying current
Emotions as Transformation
As we hold our self between the contraction of fear and the openness to courage lies our ability to ride the edge of emotional transformation.
When you say those wild words, when you look that worrisome way, when you sound your hellish horn
In my combined effort
of resistance to distance and surrender to my internal weather –
I become a conductor-electrical music runs through me, a transformer from a stirringself to a soothing soul…fill lament
Goodbye: Positive Negative
Cathode Anode
Good Bad
Right Wrong
Goodbye original sin of separation
I welcome the union of heaven and earth
Feel the light shine through me beyond the tip of my emotional iceberg melting me at the core of my arrogant delusions
I am now receiving/expressing completely
I welcome every opportunity to experience, feel, be one ~ infinite love.
Join us in our healing arts school in San Diegoto experience the transformation firsthand. Let us together dispel the clouds of delusions and see the morning light.