Spring Immunity-Rising Movement Phase

Spring Immunity-Rising Movement Phase Spring represents the power to break through stagnation and create fresh new growth – freedom. Immunity is a state of being where we adapt to a difficult situation becoming newer and better than before the challenge. The...

Iatrogenic Disease-Medical Misuse

Can Iatrogenic Disease Really Be the Leading Cause of Death in the US? By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers1,748 Facebook SharesSHARES In a hurry? Click here to read the Article Summary… I normally don’t like to focus on the negative side of health. I would...

Befriend Your Doc

Befriend Your DocThe effects of treatments recommended by your doc may actually initiate a sense of well being when we take the time to balance the often invasive treatments of Western Medicine. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may spend a lot of your time...

Behavior Recommendations According to 5 Movements

Behavior Recommendations According to 5 Movements EXCERPT from Shaping Our Destiny- by Seymour Koblin Body Reading and Recommendations for Health Relationships and Life Path Different lifestyle activities and attitudes can create remarkable differences in the quality...