
Tai-Chi-Chuan-forms   Tai-Chi-Chuan-forms: I developed the shorten Tai Chi Chuan form the people who want experience the slow flow movement without studying through the 3 months to year learning the traditional Tai Chi Chuan movements. Shift weight and twist to...


Sasa-the-Tao-Master What is the Infinite Universe? We are taught to be one with the Infinite Universe What is the Infinite Universe? Perhaps It is best to ask -what is not the Infinite Universe? Everything, including what was, what is and the potential of all that...


Tai-Chi-Kung-series Dragon claws Lean Back Inhale going back and exhale coming up. Repeat 10-15 times (slowly) Tai-Chi-Kung-series Frog Mouth is closed breathing through the nose Hold 1-5 minutes,Knees are Deeply under the navel, Knees out toes in weight on the...


Boost-Immunity-KWA Shifting frog Boost-Immunity-KWA: Alignment: The pelvis is tucked under the spine knees out so you feel your weight on the outside of feet heels flat- and Knee never goes past the toes. Bend upper torso from below the navel never bend at the solar...


Three-Immunity-Building-exercises Posted by Seymour Koblin on Friday, March 13, 2020   Three Tai chi Immunity building exercises created by MSTR. CK CHU demonstrated by Seymour Koblin. Three-Immunity-Building-exercises Roaring like Lion: Start by suspending the...