I checked out your websites, and I learned that you have been practicing the healing arts for many years, and have many degrees and certificates several disciplines. How did you realize your gift for healing, and what made you decide to pursue this path?
When I was a traveling musician in Canada, I had a near death experience with a mis- diagnosed appendix- Shortly after, it ruptured in the middle of the night. After I was rushed to the hospital, I was recuperating in ICU (intensive care unit) when I had a near death experience. I was leaving my body drifting through this blissful space in the atmosphere when I heard a voice saying: “get back in your body! You have work to work to do”. I remember willfully constricting until my energy started to feel my body again.
I woke up in the morning with my mother there telling me that they called her in the middle of the night saying that my vital signs were fading and that I would most likely be dead by the time she arrived.
So in an effort to take control of my health, I began studying Holistic Health (Tai Chi , Shiatsu Nutrition…etc) and here I am today
When you were assessing one of the people from the public, before actuallytouching her, you first noted her skin color and texture.
There are many ways to assess ones health condition. Skin color can tell us which organ or body system is overworking.
Zen- touch is a hybrid of several eastern disciplines, how did you create it?
After a 3 yr study program in Shiatsu My teacher, Ohashi failed me in my practical examination. He said that failing me was a compliment because it meant I would have to improve my skills until I developed m own style. Rather than graduate me now, he was pushing me to develop the form of Shiatsu that is now called Zen-Touch.
Can you describe a little about how it is used for client assessment.
Body maps and the quality of a persons body tone tell the source of a persons health challenges- physical emotional and spiritual. For example, placing my hands on a harder area will tell me the kind of softness a person is looking for in his/her life. Wherethe dis harmony shows up relates to movements in nature- Flowing (Winter), Rising (Spring), Radiating (Summer), Grounding (early) Fall and Gathering to Completion (late Fall) and their corresponding Iternal organs.
Can you describe a little about the Hara assessment?
Hara is the abdominal center that houses our most vulnerable organs. Empty or full areas here reveal which organs and behavior are in excess ordeficient. These exremes are the source of all dis- EASE and the different meridians?
The meridians energy lines that transport lifeforce throughout the body. They correspond to the organs and life movements described above.
I was interested as to how you knew that those characteristics had to do with her diet.
The textures of food-hot/cold, expanded /contracted, building/breaking down, soft/ hard all show up in a person’s body. Extremes in food create lifestyle extremes and lifestyle extremes influence our cravings for foods
What are the steps you follow when assessing a patient, does it begin before you even touch them?
It begins immediately- Intuitive mesages surfaces from the many maps that act as clues to a persons condition.
I did some research on the Macrobiotic diet which you also counsel people on, how does this diet work to heal people with illnesses? How does it fight cancer?
MACROBIOTICS helps a person to find his-her balance in health and lifestyle.
Sort of like tuning a musical instrument. When our instrument is tuned we can create pleasant harmonies instead of dissonance/difficulties. Illness is like an instrument that needs tuning. If the guitar strings are too old or the neck is warped it will take more discipline and effort to get the guitar sounding good again. Macrobiotics teaches a person how to tune and if necessary repair their instrument. Illness disappears and is replaced by vitality
Cancer is one of the many sign we get that we are living too far from natural living -too extremely. Moderate the extremes and harmony isachieved.
There is no fight against any dis ease-Cancer, aids, MS etc are here to guide us to finally following our Dreams.
When the oil light in a car appears we make the appropriate response and the car continues to run DIS-ease is just a signal to get us closer -back to vital health….AND everyone has exactly the skills necessary to heal their condition.
Today there are many diseases and illnesses that are being linked to genetics, diet and lifestyle; do you think that genetic predisposition can be overcome by diet and lifestyle changes?
Genetics are like a code of questions or a puzzle that we need to answer during the materialized human form.They are a framework that requires building upon,development and evolution. The answers come from leading a healthy lifestyle and form the eventual structure known as an evolved soul.
Can the techniques you practice and teach be used to help people with all of their problems, or are there certain issues that are difficult to treat?
The only difficult illness is arrogance- separation from nature and the connection to all life. The ego and attachment to the past often separates people from our birthright-Love in a peaceful universe.
Your website talks about your intuitive approach to healing, how do you teach students to harness their intuition, or does it come from experience?
Taking guesses more often helps us to notice how we feelwhen an intuitive answer is surfacing. We learn to distinguish Intuitionfrom Interference. Some people see intuitive images, others tend to hear an intuitive voice, others kinesthetically feel when their intuition is calling and some people recognize subtle tastes or smells as intuitive signals.
What is most difficult about being a healer? An instructor? What is most rewarding?
For me criticism from others who are threatened by change is where I am reminded to be more patient.
If you have any questions or this information is incorrect please contact us.