Aging with Pizazz

Aging with Pizazz

I recently taught a class in Israel on this topic. To better fulfill the premise of this workshop, I am adding the following material

Pizazz defined: I invite the reader to establish what Pizazz means for YOU. Here are some influences to draw from
1. energy;vitality;vigor.
Origin ofpizazz
Relatedforms:pizazzy,adjective Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2017.
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Examples from the Web forpizaz
Contemporary Examples
Best of the Golden GlobesChoire SichaJanuary 16, 2010
Word Origin and History forpizazz



Aging with Pizazz

From the Chinese “Taoist” perspective that reveres health, vitality and longevity:

The Tao of True Living comes to the person who happily lives the balance between making effort to extend life and moderating the practices that will hasten death.

This happy balance that also includes long life and vitality would show “Pizazz” as “Shen” -the twinkling spirit in a person’s eyes that reflects inner happiness and a joy that springs from one’s desire to live a life of constant growing, learning and sharing.
Look around at different people. Do you see shining twinkle in their eyes? When we are tired, overworked or stressed this “Shen” may fade.

When laughing, performing, creating or being inspired in any way, the flame of life shines from our soul and echoes in our voice, thoughts, words and the sparkle in our eyes. In a traditional medical context it was said that no matter how sick or weak one might be, if you detect even a hint of “Shen/ Pizazz” in the eyes, then this person can recover.

Aging with Pizazz

A woman in black shirt with hands together.

See the twinkle

A woman in black shirt with hands together.

Shen Shining

A woman in black shirt with hands together.

Shen / Pizazz means core vitality overflowing through self and to others

A woman in black shirt with hands together.

Feel the Inner Dance

CREATIVITY- The body is always recreating itself. Cells die and new ones are produced. The words in a journal, a few chords on a guitar, singing spontaneously in the shower, painting with the grandchildren-any activity that overflows from the natural creative essence of the soul, empowers our ability to create healthy vital new cells and radiantlife. What doesyour soul call for? Shhh listen….follow the creative drive that lies within-daily.

Consider: Each person has a unique contribution to share with the world-an essential unique color in a mosaic-like universe. Each person’s Tao/Way is in a symbiotic relationship with the creator/creation of life that is being recreated every day.
When making decisions ask: Which choice reflects my inner being- my unique contribution to the universe that I participate in creating with the higher source
(G-d, Nature, Infinite Universe, Love-whatever your belief system resonates with). Also, which choice is Better for my Health-Body Mind Spirit?
Our Shen/Pizazz is directly proportional to our level of Health. The more Vital our Health, the more we can dedicate our lives to serving our true desires and to contributing to thedesires of all others.

Consider: One dies when the value of his/her death is greater than the value of their life. e.g. Did Jesus, or Martin Luther King bothdie at a time when their death created more of an essential influence on the world then their extended life would have?
How about the rest of us? To live a long life, our contribution, our dreams and desires to affect the consciousness of the world get to always grow and create essential influences on others.
In the music world, did Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, John Lennon, Bob Marley etc… leave this planet at the perfect time and nowtheir influence continues to affectus from another dimension?

Aging with Pizazz

Li Cheng- Yuen

According to the official records,Li Cheng- Yuenwas born in China in 1677 (although he himself claimed that he was born in 1736). Throughout his long life, he constantly practiced herbalism and martial arts. In 1930, the New York Times newspaper printed an article in which they published official Chinese government documents that were uncovered. These documents, dating back to 1827, contained official congratulations on Li Ching-Yuen’s 150th birthday. Later documents, dating back to 1877, contained official congratulations on his 200th birthday. The Taoist herbalist and practitioner of Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Nei Kung and Meditation had 23 wives and raised more than 200 children. See the posts on Li Cheng Yuen,Body Alignment and Chi Sex and the Creative Force.

How to Live Life with Pizazz/Shen

  1. Reverence:
    Choose to honor and respect life. Make choices that honor self and others. Ask, in every situation, is my choice equally beneficial for self and others? LOVE from adeeper place than convenience or happiness. In every relationship with others or with any scenario from nature to the trash on the street, embody the the appreciation of life’s complementarypolar opposites .

    Aging with Pizazz
  2. BE Received:
    When interacting, ask, are the people I am interacting with open to what I am sharing or am I enforcing my beliefs on them. Wait, listen- intuition will guide our words and actions.

    Aging with Pizazz
  3. Flow=Follow your Tao.
    Their is a unique path that everyone has the ability tofollow. Instead of resisting a current challenge, breathe, feel your body, center and the brain will serve you.

    A woman in black shirt with hands together.

    Intuition is the highest and most vital form of consciousness

    Shhhh…. Listen Follow-Flow

    Aging with Pizazz

  4. Be Natural:
    Intuition will guide us to act from a place that honors our unique Tao. This is not necessarily the path of least resistance. Intuition’s messages will sometimes challenge us to go into fear of the unknown. Again, breathing and paying attention to the body sets up a spacewhere we become more comfortable with being uncomfortable anddaringly go where we have never been before. Embracing the fear of the unknown when led by our intuition is nothing less than merging with the higher source of all creation. Pizazz / Shen is created by our willingness to challenge ourselves physically emotionally and spiritually. This is especially most important as we age. Exercise, eat well and honor our physical health. As the body (the shell protecting our gestating spirit) gets more sensitive as we grow older and to keep the body vital, we get to spend more time than ever honoring the body. Thus we become more flexible, even taller and more resilient as we age. Emotionally- take chances to get closer to people that we might otherwise dis miss. Spiritually- Follow our Life’s calling. Dare to dream at any/every age and take the necessary steps to continue growing and deepening our spiritual path of evolving consciousness.Aging with Pizazz.TWO Hands:
    is a metaphor for the pairedbalance of life…. 2 hands, 2 ears, 2 sides of the brain and heart, 2 lungs, 2 arms 2 legs, 2 kidneys , 2 ovaries,2 testes…Life is about relationship, coordination and balance. No right or wrong, no one way- Balance Right and Left-complementary opposites that mirror each person’s unique balance. When an other presents a conflict, ask, what lesson is this person here to help me learn? Find – BE the graceful attitude of gratitude.
    Avoid belittling an other. it is the equivalent of attempted murder- backstabbing. Would you hurt your leftt hand because it is less coordinated than your right? Our Left hand and our difficult neighbor both represent a part of our subconscious that guides us to find a deeper awareness of our life’s inherent path towards light and love. We learn from adversity… Embrace it.
    For tools on aging with Pizazz: with Pizazz

    Life… such a wondrous opportunity to merge with the infinite- the breath of eternity
    all reflected in the daily world of relation ship to nature and every soul that crosses our path
    each “other” represents a shared u universe -a meeting of body mind soul
    Shalom, Aloha, Namaste…Re member

    A woman in black shirt with hands together.A woman in black shirt with hands together.







International School Of Healing Arts, is a spiritually based interfaith 501c3 non-profit public benefit organization located in both San Diego, CA USA and Prague Czech Republic. ISOHA presents the work of it’s founder,Seymour Koblin.
Since 1981 Seymour has been an international educator traveling to numerous countries Inspiring the Path of Holistic Health. He is most well known for the creation of Zen-Touchâ„¢ Shiatsu, his unique approach toMacrobioticsthat integratesTraditional Chinese Medicine,Ayurveda,Kabalahand other traditional Energetic Healing methods. Seymouris also known for his unique approach to E-Motional Healing utilizingCalm PassionateCommunication,Vision TrainingandIntuition Development.
Since 1989, Seymour has also participated in founding several schools that are either using or have at one time used his original San Diego, CA name- “school of healing arts”.
In 2014 the 30 year established San Diego state approved “school of healing arts” changed it’s name toInternational College Of Holistic Studies/ICOHS.Seymour was the founder of these healing schools and others.
Seymour departed fromICOHSin 2015 and formed a new spiritually based 501c3 non-profit organization calledInternational School of Healing Artsbased in San Diego, CA and Prague Czech Republic. TheIdaho New Leaf, Manchester-UK,Kiev-Ukraine and Moscow– Russia schools also use “school of healing arts” in their name.
These schools and others are separate entities. They have no legal or educational tie to each other. Note: Owning a name that has such broad generic words in the title may lead to ambiguity for some especially on the internet ingoogle,yahoo,bingorother search engines.
If you have any questions about any of these different schools that come up in searches please contact[email protected].


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