Seymour, you told us once that being angry for a longer than a minute is also not good for the body, why? Can you explain it to me, please? thank you
Holding on to Anger is like someone drinking poison and expecting someone else-
(the person he/she is angry at) to die-the Buddha

Anger is based in Fear-the ultimate fear is of the unknown-separation from source-a lost part of our soul that yearns for connection
Anger contains a lot of energy (maybe 2nd to exceptional love making and enlightening activities/ e.g. exercise, music. dance and inspiring revelations). Anger, which is based in fear, generally speaking, creates more energy/fuel/Chi than sadness, anxiety or guilt.
When we are angry for longer than a minute without transformation (e.g. avoiding or distracting yourself from the issue/energy) it becomes stored in the body like a new cell that needs nourishment and will eat away at our vitality(blood sugar, O2, minerals, hormonal proteins etc.) This held energy attachment is often termed resentment.
Anger, Use it, lest it uses us
When we transform anger into understanding, compassion or motivation, we use this power instead of it using us. i.e. So, anger has a big front (Yang) and an equally big back (Yin). Its energy can be used to break through stagnation and motivate us to express patience, spontaneity (tree-like Spring energy). Transforming anger or frustration creates E-motion that eventually leads to joy, calm passion, and laughter (fire-like Summer energy).
Is Anger serving You? or are You serving Anger?
Even when confronted with the most inhumane circumstances and the people who serve them-does our anger help us to create change or does it influence to become like those we judge? People are a mirror for everything we either like or dislike in ourselves. No one gives us anger, they simply serve us to remember what lies within and test us to transcend.
If something terribly extreme occurs in our life, it occurs be cause it is exactly what we need to change a pattern that has been lying within us for who knows how long. Anything less would be less than what is necessary to motivate the evolution of our soul.
The P’s on anger and any E-motion
People often instead of feeling their problem, choose to understand it by overanalyzing (Anal Lies). This takes us away from the Bodily sensations of any e-motion.
it’s NOT complicated There are only 4 sources of any problem
Problems= Patterns seeking resolution from 1)Past, 2)Parents/ing, 3)Partners, 4)Peers

Every problem has an opposite Potential for creating deeper Peace, Patience, Prosperity etc.

Transform Anger into Calm Passion
How to use/transform this angry chi? The key is another P, being Present (it is a gift) while breathing. Ask, where in my body does this feeling show itself? Breathe into that location Be with it. Drop the story and be present while breathing into the location of the physical location of this feeling. within 1 minute, you will notice the original sensation begins to move to places in the body that need more Chi.
Anger, use it, lest it uses us
Responding with thoughts and words too quickly takes the Chi to our head and out of the body. Until resolved from within, someone will show up, again and again, to initiate /teach us to teach ourselves to transform this valuable E-Motion.
Taoist breathing exercises, when trained to be automatic subconscious responses, these breathing methods teach us to ground the rising energy of anger into the perineum. Specific Nei Kung exercises to train the body to circulate(instead of stagnating) this very important feeling..and create healing.
In the moment of anger, feel…. Where it resides and also ask, Where am I choosing to go with this person who is reminding me of my life lesson. Peace or Problem? Shhhh…… Breath…… Listen … Let your inner voice-Inuition guide your response… your words…. actions… and attitude. Feed the soul…..she’s probably hungry for this new way of being
International School Of Healing Arts, is a spiritually based interfaith 501c3 non-profit public benefit organization located in both San Diego, CA the USA and Prague, Czech Republic. ISOHA presents the work of its founder,Seymour Koblin.
Since 1981 Seymour has been an international educator traveling to numerous countries Inspiring the Path of Holistic Health. He is most well known for the creation of Zen-Touchâ„¢ Shiatsu, his unique approach toMacrobioticsthat integratesTraditional Chinese Medicine,Ayurveda,Kabalahand other traditional Energetic Healing methods. Seymouris also known for his unique approach to E-Motional Healing utilizingCalm PassionateCommunication,Vision TrainingandIntuition Development.
Since 1989, Seymour has also participated in founding several schools that are either using or have at one time used his original San Diego, CA name- “school of healing arts”.
In 2014 the 30 years established San Diego state approved “school of healing arts” changed its name toInternational College Of Holistic Studies/ICOHS.Seymour was the founder of these healing schools and others.
Seymour departed fromICOHSin 2015 and formed a new spiritually based 501c3 non-profit organization calledInternational School of Healing Artsbased in San Diego, CA and the Prague Czech Republic. TheIdaho New Leaf, Manchester-UK,Kiev-Ukraine, and Moscow– Russia schools also use “school of healing arts” in their name.
These schools and others are separate entities. They have no legal or educational tie to each other. Note: Owning a name that has such broad generic words in the title may lead to ambiguity for some especially on the internet ingoogle,yahoo,bingorother search engines.
If you have any questions about any of these different schools that come up in searches please contact[email protected].