Zen-Touch-Shiatsu-Chair-Massage Learn/Experience Seymour Koblin’s innovative approach to Chair massage. So a full body Shiatsu in Supine and Prone positions. Includes Hara (abdominal)Palpation & Assessment and Chakra Balancing.
Contact Seymour to Learn:Zen-Touch-Shiatsu-Chair-Massage [email protected]
Lean/ Experience a full Body Zen-Touchâ„¢ Shiatsu Chaur massage routine. Seymour Koblin was the first to create an innovative full massage experience in a chair. To date we only know others who have studied this method or are copying it from Seymour’s videos.
While the technique can be learned from a video, the assessment, recommendations and actual touch feeling of the work can only be learned under Seymour’s or a certified Instructor’s supervision.
Unique to Zen-Touchâ„¢ are Seymour’s innovative development of and creation of the following techniques
How to BE Received
Non- doing -everything get’s done/ Wu Wei Touch
Mother / Child hand balance with Point Impressions
Physical & Energetic Back, Hara , Meridian 5 Movements/ Seasons(Elements) and Chakra Client Assessment and Recommendations.
Using Body Reading as a guide to choreography of each individualized session
Intuition development- Hearing, Seeing, Breathing, Listening and of course using TOUCH as a key to creating Rapport and initiating healing with Self and Clients.
Using E-Motions, the most powerful source of energy located within each of us=Feelings For Healing Technique. For practitioners to educate themselves and clients to generate Healing KI/CHI/PRANA-
Communication Skills to create rapport and to teach self and clients
positive outcome messaging
Chair massage is often used in high stress locations like airports, trade shows and conventions, but it is also used a lot in corporate settings as well. Companies utilize corporate chair massage services for their health fairs, employee appreciation days, and corporate events with excellent outcomes in attendance, foot traffic, stress reduction and morale.
After a chair massage, the client feels energized, rejuvenated, valued and relaxed. It can work wonders for your body, your mental state and your sense of well-being and happiness.
courtesy of : https://www.incorporatemassage.com/blog/benefits-of-chair-massage