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Help iSOHA help people help themselves. Your Donation empowers people to take control of their health so they can serve self and others. Inspiring the Path of Holistic Health- Body Mind Spirit. From Classes and private and group services  in yoga, tai chi, food preparation, herbs, communication skills, emotional healing, developing Intuition aromatherapy, massage, Zen-Touch™ Shiatsu Reiki and more, iSOHA brings health to individuals and organizations.  Contact [email protected] to create a Holistic Health program for you and/or your organization

~ September 2013  Zen-Touch Shiatsu session at Miraculous Mondays~San Diego

 It was very painful to walk. My back and legs ached so much-standing or sitting.

 After just a few mintes of this massage, my back and legs felt such tremendous release from the pain. I’m so very amazed

- Brigitte McCoy

"Seymour and I have met in Prague when he was planning to start International Branch of Zen Touch™ Shiatsu. His ideology was to enlighten the Eastern European countries on the beauty of alternative healing and lifestyles. I became his student, assistant teacher and translator. Seymour's efforts in Czech Republic fell on frugal ground and he has been an leader and an inspiration to many students and clients for years now. He is a very keen and knowledgeable person who loves to teach and enlighten his audience with life-like examples. Thanks to the background I have received from Seymour in the areas of oriental medicine, passing my oriental portion of NMBTMB was a breeze- even years later. I can certainly agree that his teaching methods using colorful examples help students understand and retain the knowledge for a long time. Seymour is a great person, skillful practitioner, knowledgeable mentor, and an excellent teacher. I fully recommend his expertise to anyone in need."

Health Assessment and Recommendations

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Xerlan Geiser-Deery I have done Shiatsu and Thai and Traditional Floor work for many years. My lovely older Shiatsu Mat has served me quite well for many years. Thank you to Barry Green and Seymour Koblin for inspiring me and teaching me so many years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't do something I learned from you two!


I have to say THANK YOU for all your attention during the day course.  I was the woman you “read” as a demonstration.. You impressed me with your intuitive knowledge of all my health issues.

I went into your course with total disbelief- .only being there to see if I could understand the oriental way of thinking better...  The courses I have taken so far have confused me beyond belief... But you made it sink in for me... Seeing it thru your eyes made me understand it, realize it..and again thank-you
With a smile,
Kim Hartzel

Dear Seymour,

Thank you gratefully for your marvelous workshop in Prague. I am absolutely excited by your style of interpretation, your work with people. I am fascinated by great facility, which you had transmitted us your deep knowledge and experiences clearly with, your great wisdom, fineness and kindness.

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Thank you also for a new point of view on yin – yang, work with chakras and diagnostics of elements. I am enriched a lot because of that. But it was not only words and information which I was interested in. It was your (spirit) energy mainly, voice intonation, body talk. It was the energy under your words mainly, which has taught me a lot of new experiences and connections, which were heard under the words. .
Thank you, thank you for the education D. Lucerova

"I'm so glad you were born! You have transformed so many lives in such a positive way! You are a blessing! Your good works are continuing for generations! Lots of Love!"- K M Brandmair

I have already seen a Great Master – You- during your work (by peripheral vision  ) in Plzeň (Pilsen), where I was brought by intuition. And a short example of Zen-Touch massage had only confirmed my feelings.
I have had no pain in the small of the back after 31 years since this first zen-touch therapy. During the second zen-touch therapy I experienced the mystical touch of Shiva.
This “feeling of connections” and intuition had brought me also onto your workshop in Prague. But your work surpassed all of my inner feeling – expectation. I was deeply influenced that you have the same style of interpretation and mainly the same energy as my spiritual Guru Jára who gave me the desire to live and fulfil my original life journey by means of Artantra® Feng shui 13 years ago.
Your workshop, which picks up threads of magic zen-touch therapy, released stagnating energy in me. Many new inspirations, intuitive inspirations, have come to me since Monday. I have missed them for long weeks, months. The most intuitive inspiration “has come to me” this morning and it is connected with you.
With the wishes of all good and even better for you.
With Love-Dáša

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A friend called me this morning all in a stew about her relationship with a fairly new significant other.  it seems there are some communication issues . . ., anyway, I mostly listened but did offer a few thoughts that could be helpful, including some ideas from your class last night and previous classes regarding differences between the sexes.  By the end of our conversation she had settled down and was in a much more positive mindspace.  I don't think I could have been as helpful to her had I not learned a thing or two from your classes!  Anyway, I thought you would like to know how you and your communication classes helped me. C. Land


"As a practitioner of massage for over twenty years and former student I highly recommend Seymour's classes through School of Healing Arts to anyone seeking a quality holistic education or enhanced personal growth. Seymour's mastery of the healing arts is unparalleled in my experience. The teachings that he embodies encompass an entire healthy lifestyle. Through Seymour's calm, supportive communication style, intuition and customized internships each student is encouraged to reach their full potential. Take one class and you'll be hooked! -Joy Athans RN, HHP San Diego, CA"

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Señor Seymour,
I avidly practice your zen teachings with every client. It transformed the art of the message (not massage) we can share in a session. Thank you for being you and for the reminder to focus always.Your student and peer,
Steven Siglin



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Donate to our Cause:


Help iSOHA help people help themselves. Your Donation empowers people to take control of their health so they can serve self and others. Inspiring the Path of Holistic Health- Body Mind Spirit. From Classes and private and group services  in yoga, tai chi, food preparation, herbs, communication skills, emotional healing, developing Intuition aromatherapy, massage, Zen-Touch™ Shiatsu Reiki and more, iSOHA brings health to individuals and organizations.  Contact [email protected] to create a Holistic Health program for you and/or your organization

~ September 2013  Zen-Touch Shiatsu session at Miraculous Mondays~San Diego

 It was very painful to walk. My back and legs ached so much-standing or sitting.

 After just a few mintes of this massage, my back and legs felt such tremendous release from the pain. I’m so very amazed

- Brigitte McCoy

"Seymour and I have met in Prague when he was planning to start International Branch of Zen Touch™ Shiatsu. His ideology was to enlighten the Eastern European countries on the beauty of alternative healing and lifestyles. I became his student, assistant teacher and translator. Seymour's efforts in Czech Republic fell on frugal ground and he has been an leader and an inspiration to many students and clients for years now. He is a very keen and knowledgeable person who loves to teach and enlighten his audience with life-like examples. Thanks to the background I have received from Seymour in the areas of oriental medicine, passing my oriental portion of NMBTMB was a breeze- even years later. I can certainly agree that his teaching methods using colorful examples help students understand and retain the knowledge for a long time. Seymour is a great person, skillful practitioner, knowledgeable mentor, and an excellent teacher. I fully recommend his expertise to anyone in need."

Health Assessment and Recommendations

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Xerlan Geiser-Deery I have done Shiatsu and Thai and Traditional Floor work for many years. My lovely older Shiatsu Mat has served me quite well for many years. Thank you to Barry Green and Seymour Koblin for inspiring me and teaching me so many years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't do something I learned from you two!


I have to say THANK YOU for all your attention during the day course.  I was the woman you “read” as a demonstration.. You impressed me with your intuitive knowledge of all my health issues.

I went into your course with total disbelief- .only being there to see if I could understand the oriental way of thinking better...  The courses I have taken so far have confused me beyond belief... But you made it sink in for me... Seeing it thru your eyes made me understand it, realize it..and again thank-you
With a smile,
Kim Hartzel

Dear Seymour,

Thank you gratefully for your marvelous workshop in Prague. I am absolutely excited by your style of interpretation, your work with people. I am fascinated by great facility, which you had transmitted us your deep knowledge and experiences clearly with, your great wisdom, fineness and kindness.

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Thank you also for a new point of view on yin – yang, work with chakras and diagnostics of elements. I am enriched a lot because of that. But it was not only words and information which I was interested in. It was your (spirit) energy mainly, voice intonation, body talk. It was the energy under your words mainly, which has taught me a lot of new experiences and connections, which were heard under the words. .
Thank you, thank you for the education D. Lucerova

"I'm so glad you were born! You have transformed so many lives in such a positive way! You are a blessing! Your good works are continuing for generations! Lots of Love!"- K M Brandmair

I have already seen a Great Master – You- during your work (by peripheral vision  ) in Plzeň (Pilsen), where I was brought by intuition. And a short example of Zen-Touch massage had only confirmed my feelings.
I have had no pain in the small of the back after 31 years since this first zen-touch therapy. During the second zen-touch therapy I experienced the mystical touch of Shiva.
This “feeling of connections” and intuition had brought me also onto your workshop in Prague. But your work surpassed all of my inner feeling – expectation. I was deeply influenced that you have the same style of interpretation and mainly the same energy as my spiritual Guru Jára who gave me the desire to live and fulfil my original life journey by means of Artantra® Feng shui 13 years ago.
Your workshop, which picks up threads of magic zen-touch therapy, released stagnating energy in me. Many new inspirations, intuitive inspirations, have come to me since Monday. I have missed them for long weeks, months. The most intuitive inspiration “has come to me” this morning and it is connected with you.
With the wishes of all good and even better for you.
With Love-Dáša

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A friend called me this morning all in a stew about her relationship with a fairly new significant other.  it seems there are some communication issues . . ., anyway, I mostly listened but did offer a few thoughts that could be helpful, including some ideas from your class last night and previous classes regarding differences between the sexes.  By the end of our conversation she had settled down and was in a much more positive mindspace.  I don't think I could have been as helpful to her had I not learned a thing or two from your classes!  Anyway, I thought you would like to know how you and your communication classes helped me. C. Land


"As a practitioner of massage for over twenty years and former student I highly recommend Seymour's classes through School of Healing Arts to anyone seeking a quality holistic education or enhanced personal growth. Seymour's mastery of the healing arts is unparalleled in my experience. The teachings that he embodies encompass an entire healthy lifestyle. Through Seymour's calm, supportive communication style, intuition and customized internships each student is encouraged to reach their full potential. Take one class and you'll be hooked! -Joy Athans RN, HHP San Diego, CA"

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Señor Seymour,
I avidly practice your zen teachings with every client. It transformed the art of the message (not massage) we can share in a session. Thank you for being you and for the reminder to focus always.Your student and peer,
Steven Siglin