

For thousands of years, the Chinese have been using Nei Kung  (Internal Training), Chi Kung ( Life Force Training) and Tai Chi Chuan (Supreme Ultimate Fist) to initiate vital health. The origins come from Bodhidarma an Indian Monk who brought  life enhancing exercises/asanas to China. The Chinese adapted these  Yoga forms to what is now known as  Nei Kung  (Internal Training), Chi Kung ( lLfe Force Training) and Tai Chi Chuan (Supreme Ultimate Fist) Bruce Lee was the first Chinese native to introduce the seccretly held practices of Nei Kung practices to the western world. The most famous practitioner of these practices was Li Cheng – Yuen who was documented/verified by the New York Times to live 250 years.

BE the architect of your body-
the temple that houses your soul
BE the Tree of Life-
both flexible and persevering
that  weathers the contrasts inherent to  all seasons
BE a finely tuned instrument –
echoing your unique  vibrant  melody
through all ages


According to the official records, Li Cheng- Yuen was born in China in 1677 (although he himself claimed that he was born in 1736). Throughout his long life, he constantly practiced herbalism and martial arts. In 1930, the New York Times newspaper printed an article in which they published official Chinese government documents that were uncovered. These documents, dating back to 1827, contained official congratulations on Li Ching-Yuen’s 150th birthday. Later documents, dating back to 1877, contained official congratulations on his 200th birthday. The Taoist herbalist and practitioner of Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Nei Kung and Meditation had 23 wives and raised more than 200 children.

A woman in black shirt with hands together.

Chi master, Li Ching-Yuen lives 250 years practicing  Nei Kung, Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Taoist meditation and Herbology


How did he do that?
Li Ching-Yuen expressed his longevity formula in one sentence:

                  “Retain a calm heart, sit like a turtle, walk swiftly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dogâ€

Chinese army general Yang Sen invited Li to visit him, and offered Li an opportunity to teach Chinese soldiers martial arts. The general could not believe how youthful his guest was, even though he had reached an age of 250 years old.

Li Ching-Yuen died on the 6th of May in 1933. He told his students that he had completed all his tasks in this lifetime, and he was now ready to come home.

Living his dream at any/every age

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