Zen-Touch Shiatsu Benefits

September 2013Zen-Touch Shiatsusession at Miraculous Mondays~ It was very painful to walk. My back and legs ached so much-standing or sitting.”¨After just a few mintes of this massage from Seymour Koblin’s student, my back and legs felt such tremendous...

The Many Benefits of Massage Include

Inspiring the Path of Health The many benefits of massage include: Sooths anxiety and depression Decrease blood pressure Decrease stress levels Helps you feel better and eases pain Improves sleep Boosts immunity Curbs headaches Increases blood flow Benefits PTSD,...

Burdens our Electromagnetic Field from the Wires CSE?

Weight with the purchase of housing or land near masts with wires? How far to build and live wires from the CSE? At least seven times the official buffer zone! – We measure how far back the harmful values and are already possible to sleep and live. If you give...

Schaden Freude

Schaden freude glee damage & joy spiteful delicious delight in the misfortune of others others faLL CHEMICal RELEASED IN DOSAL STRIATUM OF THE BRAIN CAUSES PLEASURE One brain structure in particular, called the striatum, releases a chemical called dopamine in...