The Chinese character for “Human” is depicted in this Tai Chi Kung Exercise
Exhale just close inhale just open hand
Human Embraces Heaven & Earth
Knees out to put weight on the outside of our feet
Inhale open Exhale close
Pelvis is tucked under the spine
Inhale and Exhale
Tai-Chi-Kung-Exercise What of the Breath?
We are always told to breathe Long, Deep Small and Smooth into the Tan Tien below the navel.
How does our breath regulate the Chi?
How does our breath help us to navigate the Tao leading us to oneness with the universe?
Each inhale provides the potential to receive the entire universe within our consciousness housed in the body.
Each exhale provides the potential to empty ourselves of any residue that obscures the vitality of body mind and spirit.
When stress pervades, there is a distortion in the balance between inhale/receiving and exhale/letting go…..
When the Tao pervades, our breath, is without logic-automatically operating our every action like a finely tuned instrument played by a master musician
Which is easier for you in this moment~ Inhale /receiving or exhale/letting go?
Gently Focus within every cell on the one that is requiring harmony
And so it is
Achieving this ever-changing balance between inhale and exhale is a reflection of the Tao moving through us. The journey of appropriate breathing in each moment, circumstance and life event, like a magnet attracts the Tao to live within us.
Master, does darkness in the world shun our inner light?
Reply: The fabric that represents human nature and the nature of life itself is held together by double ended threads
Our capacity to feel fear is but one side of a river shore
connected to our capacity to feel courage
Our anger is but one eye viewing our capacity to see and be benevolent
Our anxiety but a flicker of two sides in the fire’s ability
to generate warm passion
Sadness is but one side of a scale that also measures…touches caring and deep bonding with others
Pride and self-accomplishment are revered because we also know…breath the grief of shame and guilt
To fear evil ? Shall we fear our own humanity?
Shall we fight evil in the name of good?
As such we fight and defeat ourselves and humanity
Instead, face the shadows and the light
Feel…use them -the dark and bright , loose or tight
each person chooses for her or him alone… wrong or right?
Make sense of them and CHOOSE