20 Questions to Discover YOUR Thinking Style

Welcome to your 20 Questions to Discover YOUR Thinking Style

You hear an indistinct bark. Without looking around how well can you place the dog?

How good are you at remembering a song you've just heard?

A person you've met a few times telephones you. How easy is it for you to recognize that voice in the few seconds before the person tells you who they are?

You're with a group of married friends. Two of them are having a clandestine affair. Would you detect who is having an affair?

You're at a large and purely social gathering. You're introduced to five strangers. If their names are mentioned the following day how easy is it for you to picture their faces?

In your early school days how easy was spelling and the writing of essays?

You spot a parking place but you must reverse into it , it's going to be fairly tight squeeze:

You've spent three days in a strange village and someone asks you which way is north:

You're in a dentist's waiting room with half a dozen people of the same sex as yourself. How close can you sit to one of them without feeling uncomfortable?

You're visiting your new neighbor and the two of you are talking. There's a tap dripping gently in the background. Otherwise, the room is quiet:

You feel confused about an experience that occurred at work or in your home life.

When making love you prefer:

When deciding whether to enter a deep intimate relationship you first:

When packing for a two-week vacation:

When driving to an unknown destination you

When going out to socialize you prefer:

You enter the shopping mall to buy a pair of warm winter boots at Macy's.

You are at a club on a Saturday night enjoying the music when you notice someone across the room that you are immediately highly attracted to. He / She walks over to you, looks you in the eyes and with a sincere tone of voice asks you; Will you make love with me tonight?

Long lasting marriages and partnership relationships maintain a balance between 1) Trust (consistency between words and actions), 2) Romance (creative communication where dreams are shared between partners with all 5 senses(e.g. reciting poetic words, holding hands, delicious, aromatic food, soft background music) and 3) Passion ( an extremely stimulating, compelling soulful connection expressed by high sensual and sexual energy circulating within every cell creating an intense attraction for the person one feels this experience with. Which two of these three are most important to you?

Without any forewarning, you receive a note from your boss saying that your services at work (a job you like ) are no longer required and to please take all your personal belongings from the office before the end of day.